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Lingard Private Hospital




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Dr Phil Holz was born, raised and educated in Newcastle and now calls this city home where he lives with his family. In 1994 he graduated from Bachelor of Medicine with Honours. His early Resident Doctor years were spent on a Rural Cadetship at Tamworth Base Hospital where he completed a Fellowship in Rural General Practice. During this time he developed an early interest in Anaesthesia. Subsequently, he returned to Newcastle in 1999 to undertake full anaesthetic training.

In 2005 he obtained his Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA). During training he developed a strong interest in Ultrasound and Regional Anaesthesia, and this is something he continues to use with enthusiasm today in order to either complement or minimise the effects of general anaesthesia. The final year of training was spent at UC Davis Medical Centre, a major trauma centre in Sacramento California where he worked as a Clinical Assistant Professor.

Phil has worked in Newcastle for more than a decade as a Consultant Anaesthetist and continues to practice in both the private and public systems. He complies with all continuing medical education requirements of the College of Anaesthetists and is a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists. Over the years he has taught Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia at local, national and even international meetings and he continues to contribute to research.

His areas of interest vary but now mainly centre around orthopaedic (especially hand and upper limb), colorectal and general surgery along with anaesthesia for certain cardiac procedures. Whether it be sedation, general or regional anaesthesia, his aim is to provide the best option for his patient's situation.

Contact and information

Suite 3, 25 Morehead Street, Lambton, NSW 2299

02 4935 9300 Phone

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